Products of Lorenz Messtechnik GmbH

Our manufacturing program includes torque sensors, force sensors, load cells as well as the corre­sponding measured data evaluation units. Furthermore customized system solutions and test benches for the acquisition of speed, torque, force and characteristics; special sensors and strain gauge installation. We offer DAkkS and proprietary calibrations for all of our sensors and devices. With the purchase of a new sensor a test certificate, which records the traceable measurement, is provided as standard.

Multi-Component Sensors

Non Contact Torque / Force Sensor, rotating

Image Type Measuring Range Accuracy Class Speed/Angle
Range of Application
Multi-Component Sensor for Rotary Torque- and Force M-2371 M-2371 2 N·m / 100N....5 N·m / 500 N 0.4 (F)
0.2 (Mt)
✓ Option Torque -, Force -, Speed-, and Angle of Rotation Measurement; e.g. for Continuous Stress Test of Pumps and Master Key Systems

Association for Sensors and Measurement AMA

Authorised Economic Operator AEOF

Quality Management ISO 9001